A few memorable characters from various KHs over the years:
- two extremely obese sisters who roomed together and had horrific fights and would call the elders on each other. They would rip doors off and overturn the kitchen table in their fights.
- another very obese sister who had no car and who expected everybody to pick her up and take her to meetings and out in field service, etc. Trouble was, she had to urinate every 10 minutes and everyone needed to be able to accommodate her urgent... needs. She never once ever offered anyone money for fuel.
- another sister with a small bladder who was a bit more practical and would pee behind or beside a bush. (Erm, this person would actually be me! Haha!) The sister with her in field service would stand in front of her or behind, holding up a coat to shelter her (me) with, LOL.
- a pioneer brother who made his living selling Avon products to the sisters. He desperately hoped to marry someone. Anyone. Right now.
- a Circuit Overseer who, for EVERY TALK OR LOCAL NEED, would bring out the evils and sins of oral sex. He would drool and spit as he frothed on about it. *shudder*
- a young pioneer brother who bought himself - get this - gasp! - a 2-door sports car!!
- a young brother returning from Bethel who expected everyone to be bedazzled by him and worship him and provide him with all his needs. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen someone behave so arrogantly and with such a feeling of entitlement... oh wait... Donald Trump suddenly comes to mind.
- cruel elders, elders with dementia, elders on power trips...
- sisters like sharks against each other when an eligible brother appears in their midst...
- ... elderettes....